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Gary Q. Frields
Digital Drawings

The Last Dance
28" x 28" Framed $600

I Dreamed...
"I Dreamed I Was a Young Monkey and Won Her Love" 23 1/2" x 18 1/2" Framed $500

I Dreamed...
"I Dreamed I Was Swimming Under a Full Moon With a Pirate Queen. I Awoke in a Wet Suit With a Sculpted Hole in My Chest - Gone Was My Smile" 23 1/2" x 18 1/2" Framed $500

Ode to Alfred Hitchcock
12" x 12" unframed $75

12" x 12" unframed $75

I Dreamed I Drew Elvis...
12" x 12" mounted but unframed $100

A Bird in the Hand
12" x 12" unframed $75

Times and Places in My Life
28.75" x 22.5" framed $650
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